You can keep in touch with what is happening at Lumieria in one of several ways. We periodically publish stories, news, product announcements, etc. online in a number of places.
Email List
Subscribe to our email list by sending an email with a subject line 'SUBSCRIBE' to mailinglist (at) To unsubscribe send an email with the subject line 'UNSUBSCRIBE'. The volume of our direct email list is quite low. Eventually we envision a monthly newsletter. To stay in closer touch, subscribe to the RSS feed of one of our story pages, described below.
Stories By Topic / RSS Feeds
Underneath the 'Follow' link of this page, on the left sidebar, are a set of filters that offer an index of only that kind of story (Blog, Product News, News, Website). Or select 'All' to get a full index of what we've published. Each of these pages is accessible as its own RSS feed, which you can subscribe to using your favorite RSS news reading app.
On The Web
While we're not hugely active outside of our home web site, we do have a presence on a social media outlets. If you'd like, you can find us, and follow us in the following places.