ReMIDI is a real-time MIDI remapper, with UI and processing components built inside of a node-based real-time audio engine. The complete system was built by Lumieria to support live electronic music performances. It is a tool that can send one or more MIDI messages of the user's choice, when a matching MIDI input is received, allowing for a 1->N mapping of messages, rather than the 1->1 mapping that most MIDI controller hardware exposes. Using this allows a single incoming MIDI message to trigger more elabroate cross-device configurations, thus making a change in setup as simple as the pressing of a single trigger. This is vitual to maintaining a compelling stage presence, and helps avoid the 'person-working-on-the-computer' vibe that plagues many laptop musicians.
In addition to the underlying technology, the user-interface was also designed and built by Lumieria. It is intended to mimic the familiar look of a dedicated hardware device, hopefully decreasing the learning curve by using a familiar visual paradigm.
The inspiration for ReMIDI is to help reconnect electronic musicians to their audience -- and reinvigorate live electronic music performances. In most compelling live musical performances, a performer establishes, and maintains a good connection with his or her audience -- drawing them into the action on stage as part of the entertainment they offer the crowd. This is difficult to achieve with most computer-based electronic music performance setups because of the complexity required to keep all of the hundreds of different patches, soundbanks, effect, songs, and other components of the muscial source material flowing smoothly along. Assembling these components in a way that can be easily 'performed' live, as opposed to simply played back in a predetermined sequence, is a challenge. It requires many different controls, often spread across both hardware and software and the skill to quickly, and musically manipulate them, ideally while maintaining as much eye contact as possible with the audience. ReMIDI was designed and built to tackle this problem.