Suspension is an immersive electronic lighting installation deployed in a popular space at a large art festival. The installation consists of chinese lanterns of differing colors, hung at different heights (most low enough to run into). The lanterns are lit with differing colors and programmed as a collection to flicker in a way that would support my goal of capturing a passing person's attention, and requiring their interaction.
I was selected to create an art installation for a central gathering place at the Burning Man art festival -- the center camp cafe. The piece would hang in an entryway, where undoubtedly many people would otherwise pass unconsciously by, on their way to or from a hot cup of coffee. I decided to grab the attention of passing viewers, playing on a number of energetic levels by altering what is 'normal,' if only for a moment as they passed through, or for longer when they chose to stay amidst the installation's surreal energy. (See the 'Design' section for how this was achieved.)