Conductron provides industry-standard, DMX lighting control (sent via the RS-485 protocol) via DMX/RS-485 output boards that piggyback on a host device. Conductron DMX output boards are available in several form factors to meet different system needs.
Our DMX output boards, also known as
"BeagleBone Capes," may be purchased separately, either fully-assembled, or as a parts kit, for those who wish to send/receive DMX (or any other RS-485 protocol) using their BeagleBone Device.
Consider purchasing Conductron software (Coming Soon!) to get up and running quickly with your DMX cape. Because of the many potential issues in setting up a stable software environment for lighting control, we can only offer support for devices running one of our Conductron software distros. For those who'd rather configure their own software, we provide the
Device Tree Overlay, and other
technical info you'll need to use our DMX capes.