Tabletto is a (unreleased/experimental) visual record-keeping application, developed by Lumieria. Combining a drawing tool, a wiki, and a traditional database, a user can design, save, and recall their digital information in unique visual spaces. While storing real information for later recal, they can personalize the presentation of it with colors, images, graphics and shapes. It is a bit like a WIKI that uses both shapes, and UI widgets in addition to text to do its linking. Using these intuitive and highly-visual tools, this program provides a place for our disparate knowledge to live, be used and rembered. Through the use of fully customizable tags, relationships and workspaces, a user is allowed to organize their knowledge in a way that makes sense for their own world. As needs, or usage patterns change, these areas, and the linking between them, can be procedurally reorganized to best-suit the new uses. Additionally, because the contents of the drawing are machine-accessible, the visual records are still available for standard uses -- data-mining, reporting or other organizational needs. Although the technology developed for this experiment hasn't been productized, it will likely find its way into future Lumieria products.
Inspiration for Tabletto has come from several places over the years. First and foremost I am a visual thinker. I prefer pictures to words, and find them immensely valuable, and rich, for making, and recalling information associations in my mind. An example of this would be to remember someone by their face, rather than their name, or to picture someone with the same name's face, to remember their name. I am inspired by the open architecture of one of my favorite draw programs. The access that has been granted to a developer type like myself, enables me to draw relationships and embed data in a single diagram. I wanted to supercharge this capability and extend it beyond a single drawing, into a full-blown visual information storage system. Tabletto does this, and leave's room for a user's creativity and visual style to be expressed -- making accessing our data a richer experience.