
Three Knows is an 8' diameter, multi-layer, solar-lighted sculpture. The installation re-purposed the circuitry from a couple of sets of solar lawn lights, rewired into a purposefully makeshift looking power 'panel.' Multi-level wood construction, covered in, and colored by, stretched fabric. Lighting internal LEDs, always on, playing with shadows against the structure of the sculpture.


Amateur rocketry, and the proliferation of drone technology is one of my inspirations for the look of this piece. Imagine NASA's rovers driving around Mars, millions of miles away. How strange it would be to be a Martian, and come across it?! The technology required to deploy remote machinery, and sensing, is becoming more available everyday. Build-it-yourself drone websites abound. At the same time, amatuer rocketry is also reaching new heights. There is momentum here that is already taking amateur efforts to the edge of space. Soon, even space will be accessible!

Three Knows is an imagining of what it would look like if an everyday alien managed to get an amateur probe to earth -- ad-hoc, homemade, still clearly designed by some intelligence, vaguely menacing and alien.

This is also a lighting test for several concepts I see using in a new line of wall art yet to be created (LATER: The line is progressing nicely -- see Wallships).