

August 2005 Burning Man Art Festival Deep desert location far from "civilization." Black Rock City, Nevada

Audience Interaction

This being deployed very remotely, in fact where it would be difficult to find, I didn't get to observe many people looking at this piece. The one that I did, who wasn't already known to me, was drunk, and actually stood on it and broke it right in front of me (see the 'Lessons' section for more on this unfortunate experience).

Concept Proved!

The lighting test aspect of this piece worked well, providing proof-of-concept for lighting techniques that I will use in a future line of pieces (see Wallships). Although only a few shots are shown here, this piece provided *many* interesting photography angles, due to the lighting effects, and through playing with the notion of scale, and the background landscape.

Solar Rules!

This is my first all-solar installation! Needless to say, it was WAY easier than hauling gas and maintaining a generator!


Structure Wood
Surfaces Stretched and stapled fabric
Lighting LED. Most are from solar powered lawn lights, disassembled and painstakingly reconfigured
Power Solar power, no maintenance, yay!